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CFA’s Best Siamese & 15th Best Cat 1998-99
GL Region’s 2nd Best Cat 1998-99

During 1995-96, I showed a lilac point female named Thaifong Spirit Song to Best Siamese and 30th Best Cat in CFA. Due to her frequent heat cycles, Mousey needed time out to be bred halfway through the show season. Had she been shown throughout the year, she just might have gone on to achieve a top 25 national win. But she almost certainly would not have produced her daughter who in the 1999 show season was CFA’s Best Siamese and 15th Best Cat... GC, NW Thaifong Dancin' in the Dark.

"Dancer" was the lone female in a litter of five sired by GC Rocee's Stiletto of Thaifong (bred by Staci Miller). Although the litter was exceptionally healthy and even in quality, the kittens were rather ordinary in type early on.

In order to keep numbers down, I made the decision to let the litter go as pets. Fortunately boys were the flavor of the month and while her brothers found loving pet homes, Dancer stuck around.

As she matured, I began to see little flashes of what she might become. I put off selling her, thinking I might try showing her in premiership.

Then one day, when she was about seven months old, I picked her up and stretched her. She turned her head and looked at me, and I got shivers all over. The duckling had matured into a swan.

At her first show (as an open) she took Best of Breed in all but one ring and made an allbreed final against many of the top campaign cats of the season. When I thanked judge Liz Watson for the unexpected win, she told me how wonderful she thought Dancer was, saying, "You look at her and she's everything you want a Siamese to be."

Dancer went on to grand in two shows with points to spare. I took her to a few local shows for fun, but it was too late in the season to run her for any awards.

At the start of the new season, she was almost a year old and I made plans to breed her as soon as she came into heat. When she didn't come into season by May I entered her in a show.

She did so well that I decided to try running her over the summer to try for a quick regional win. By the end of August she had accumulated enough points for the regional, and I was being encouraged to try for bigger things.

Friends talked me into going to National Capital. It was my first trip to"Nasty Cap" and I was scared to death. I honestly thought people were wondering who the heck I thought I was and I expected to fall flat on my face. Then I pulled Dancer out of her carrier and she turned and looked at me giving me her guaranteed to produce goose bumps “I own the world” look. I knew it would be all right. Seven out of eight finals including three allbreed Best Cat wins, Best Shorthair in Show and 2nd Best Cat in Show to the future Cat of the Year were more than “all right."

Judge Larry Adkison remarjed during his final, "She gives me chills." I cried all the way home.

I had never aspired to a national win as I had always felt that such a win would be well beyond my energy and resources. Now there could be no turning back.

I made the decision to show her as best I could. Initially nicknamed "The Impossible Dream," the campaign soon became known as "With a Little Help From My Friends." I could never have achieved my goal without the overwhelming support I received from friends, fellow breeders and judges.

I will always be grateful to each and every person who helped in any way, large or small. The warmth and generosity touched my heart and reaffirmed my feelings about what is good in the cat fancy.

Dancer did extremely well with fairly limited showing. She was shown an average of twice a month and we drove to all but one of her shows. She was Best in Show ten times and Best Cat in 59 rings.

Indeed, virtually every Siamese breeder judge who handled her gave her Best Cat at one time or another.

She picked up points steadily and by March I knew she had enough points to stay in the national standings. We were then able to slow the pace and even attended a couple of smaller shows for fun.

I always had it in the back of my mind that if she started having frequent heats she would be pulled and bred, no matter what her standing.

Fortunately, Dancer cooperated and only cycled three times during the entire show season.

Dancer is a regal and elegant cat, with captivating deep blue eyes, a dramatic wedge and superb color contrast.

Like her mother, Dancer defied the norm for Siamese and continued to improve with age. At eight months she was black and white and although she did eventually develop a bit of shading as she got older, it was very subtle.

Towards the end of the season she was holding her own in class against cats more than a full year younger. Donna Davis had judged her in September and made her best cat. In March she saw her again and brought tears to my eyes when she again made her best, stating "Nothing has changed!"

She went on to explain how rare it is to find a Siamese holding color and type so well at close to two years of age.

In fact, Dancer would be featured on the cover of the CFA Almanac and her photo was used to illustrate the official Siamese Breed pamplet for CFA in 2002 (left) and on the cover of The Cat Fanciers' Association Complete Cat Book (below).

Dancer was a great traveler, enduring long drives without complaint. She especially enjoyed the motel stays with all the extra attention.

I learned early on in the season that she expected me to order prime rib at dinner on Saturday nights so she could finish off the leftovers.

In the show hall she would jump down from the grooming table and root around in the show bag looking for her treats.

She was always a princess and it did not take her long to decide that she was above juvenile feather antics on the judging table (much to the frustration of some judges).

It was an emotional roller coaster of a year, but the memories will last a lifetime.


Pedigree for
GC, BW, NW Thaifong Dancin' in the Dark
Seal Point Siamese Female 0273-1164443
Born May 25, 1997
GC Rocee's Stiletto of Thaifong
Seal Point
GP, RW Rocee's Sabino
Chocolate Point
Ch CSA's Tadley of Rocee
Chocolate Point 0270-830292
GC Rocee's Avra, DM
Seal Point 0273-791874
GC Rocee's Marana
Seal Point
Trebar's Sydney Dundee of Rocee
Seal Point 0272-791873
GC Rocee's Rietta, DM
Seal Point 0273-626143
GC, BW, RW Thaifong Spirit Song, DM
Lilac Point
Ch Samcari Spirit Dancer of Thaifong
Chocolate Point
CH Begbie's Mister Magoo
Lilac Point 0274-812104
Ch Samcari's Oh Vannah, DM
Seal Point 0273-668448
GC Thaifong's Djamoca
Chocolate Point
CH Gicomel Tan-Django of Thaifong
Chocolate Point 0270-509790
GC Bojen Mocarra of Thaifong
Chocolate Point 0271-523001

Photo Credits: Show Photos by Chanan

Music: Dancing In The Dark by Bruce Springsteen


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