Updated September 25, 2023.
cattery name "Thaifong" is a play on the Chinese word
for typhoon. Thaifong was registered in The Cat Fanciers Association
in 1985.
interest in Siamese began in 1983 when I acquired my first pet
kitten, a blue point applehead male named "Spike". Spike stole
my heart and I began a love affair with the Siamese breed that
has lasted through the years.
year after getting Spike, I acquired my first breeding female. Although Monk was
not show quality, my interest in breeding and showing was sparked
and I started reading
on the breed standards and visiting the
local cat shows. It
was at one of those shows that I fell in love with and purchased
Rococo, a slinky chocolate point female. I
showed her a couple of times locally and before I knew it, the
cat fancy bug had bit. |
focus in breeding has been Siamese in the four classic colors
recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA): seal, blue, chocolate and lilac point. I take special
pride in the accomplishments of my three CFA national breed winners and four national best of breed kitten winners. Recently I have started showing and breeder Colorpoint Shorthairs in seal and chocolate lynx point. Thanks for Kathryn Brady of Katsmith cattery I have had regional wins on two seal lynx points. GC, RW Katsmith Counting Stars of Thaifong and GC, RW Katsmith Maybelline also obtained breed wins.
BW, RW Thaifong Spirit Song, aka "Mousey" was CFA's
Best Siamese and 30th Best Cat in 1995-96. When she
retired from the show ring, she produced a daughter, GC,
BW, NW Thaifong Dancin' in the Dark aka Dancer. Dancer was
Best Siamese and 15th Best Cat in CFA in 1998-99 and the
cover girl on the June 2000 CFA Almanac magazine.
During the 2001-02 show season, my friend Susan Perkins of Ayuthaya cattery and I showed a Mousey grandson, GC, RW Ayuthaya Amoroso of Thaifong (Rolo) to a regional win and
best Siamese kitten in CFA. |
In 2006-07 show season, Rolo's grandson GC, RW Thaifong Tiamo of Alexy followed in his grandsire's footsteps and was highest scoring Siamese kitten in CFA. And in the 2007-08 season, Tiamo's younger sister, GC, RW Thaifong Raisa of Ayuthaya, DM, achieved the same win.
In the 2009-10 show season, GC, RW Thaifong Rio of Ayuthaya was best of breed Siamese and 6th best allbreed cat. For the 2011-12 show season, Rio's daughter GC, RW Thaifong Qu-Joh of Ayuthaya was a regional winner and second best Siamese in CFA. For the 2013-14 show season we showed a Rio son - GC, RW Thaifong Santorino of Ayuthaya was highest scoring Siamese kitten in CFA as well as 16th best allbreed kitten and third best of breed Siamese. In the 2018-19 show season, Santorino's blue point daughter Santorini was CFA's highest scoring kitten.

1997, a long-time dream came true when I acquired my first Egyptian
Mau. Spot (aka GC, RW J's Iris Wintermist of Thaifong) was a gorgeous silver female who attained a regional win as a kitten (see Spotty and her babies at right).
Although I love the breed and showed several of them over the ensuing years, I am not breeding Maus at this time.
Please visit the Egyptian Mau page to see some of the Maus that were once part of our family.

Originally located in Montreal, we moved to Southern Ontario in 1996.
The area
is renowned for its world-class wineries and vineyards. It is also
a major tender fruit and flower growing area where orchards and
greenhouses abound. Other area attractions include The Bruce Trail,
Niagara Falls and the historic town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.
home is nestled up against the Niagara
Escarpment and the cats and kittens enjoy looking out at the
many birds and animals that come down from the woods to
visit our garden.
You are
invited to tour the garden.