Although I love Maus and showed several of them over the years, I am not actively involved with breeding them at this time.

The following are some of the Maus that were once part of the Thaifong cat family.

GC, RW J's Iris Wintermist of Thaifong
Silver Spotted Egyptian Mau Female

Sire: GC, RW Joyfulpal's Ay of Sangpur
Dam: GC J's Iris Mountain Mist

CFA Great Lakes Region
12th Best Kitten 1998

In 1997, a long-time dream came true when I acquired my first Egyptian Mau. I had fallen in love with the Jean and Shirley Charbonneau's Sangpur cats in my early years of showing and had always hoped to have a Mau of my own one day.

GC J's Iris Wintermist of Thaifong, a silver spotted Egyptian Mau female, was shown extensively as a kitten and did extremely well. She obtained the award of 12th best kitten in the Great Lakes Region. "Spotty" gave birth to her first litter in October 1998. In 1999, she went back to Montreal to live with her breeder and co-owner Judith Mendelsohn.-

GC Freckles Dot Pattern of Thaifong
Silver Egyptian Mau Female

Sire: GC,GP Freckles Carbon Dotted of Raceykat
Dam: GC Catsadora Silverbelle of Raceykat

November 1999 marked the arrival of my second Mau female, GC Freckles Dot Pattern of Thaifong, a silver bred by Bruce & Susan Johnson and Linda Buzonas. "Patti" has been a joy to live with and also did very well at the shows, obtaining her grand championship title in June of 2000.

GC Brockhaven Fast Eddie of Thaifong
Silver Spotted Egyptian Mau Male

Sire: GC Brockhaven Mamnooman
Dam: Brockhaven Philomene, DM

In November 2000, the Mau group was joined by a dynamite young silver male, GC Brockhaven Fast Eddie of Thaifong. Never-ending thanks to his breeder, Dot Brocksom, for entrusting me with this sweet and lovely boy. Eddie was sired by GC Brockhaven Mamnooman and his dam is Brockhaven Philomene, DM. Philomene was CFA's first smoke Egyptian Mau DM and has produced a record number of grand champion offspring. Eddie finished his grand championship at the Cat Nation show in Erie, PA in April 2001.

GC, RW Kikori Thebes
Silver Spotted Egyptian Mau Female

In the summer of 2002, "Theby", another silver female, came home with me from my trip to the CFA Annual Meeting in Arizona. Theby's breeders, Richard and Kathy Kopp, showed her during the 2000-01 show season and she was CFA's Second Best Egyptian Mau. Many thanks to them for allowing Dot Brocksom and I to co-own this special cat.

Photos by Chanan


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