CFA's Best Siamese Kitten 2002
Great Lakes Region's 13th Best Kitten 2002

A top win with a Siamese kitten had always been an elusive dream for me. My lines usually mature slowly, with the best kittens showing little promise until they are close to adulthood. Then Susan Perkins of Ayuthaya Cattery graciously allowed me to co-own and share in the fun of showing a very special kitten who eventually was awarded Best Siamese Kitten in CFA for the 2001-02 show season.

GC, RW Ayuthaya Amoroso of Thaifong, affectionately known as "Rolo", was born in the first litter sired by GC Thaifong If I Can't Have You... , a cat dear to my heart. Rolo's dam is CH Angkor Rose Pawnee of Ayuthaya, a lovely chocolate point female bred by Betty White. Pawnee (aka Molly) was Susan's foundation female and was a wonderful cat with which to start a breeding program. Molly had already produced three nice litters sired by GC Rocee's Stiletto of Thaifong. A male from the first breeding, GP, RW Ayuthaya Nijinski, was Susan's first grand, a one show grand, a regional winner and Second Best Siamese in Premiership nationally!

But little did we know that the best was yet to come.

Molly was a super-mom with a perfect record for kitten survival. In four litters she produced 22 kittens and every one of them thrived.

Rolo was born in a litter of eight and from the beginning he stood out from the crowd. I first saw him when the babies were six weeks old. I walked into Susan's bedroom and there he was smack in the middle of a pile of 14 kittens. He had his skinny little neck craned up and the smuggest expression I have ever seen on a kitten's face. Rolo is not just another pretty boy -- he has personality plus!

When the babies were five months old, we started planning kitten shows and decided to test the waters at the Nutmeg show in Connecticut. To keep Rolo company, we took a lilac littermate, Aramis (aka Lilac Larry), and his seal point half-sister, Arabesque. I had not seen the babies in some time and I found all three impressive. But in the rings it was Rolo who shone. He ended up making five of six finals including a Best Allbreed Kitten over several of the season's NW kitten contenders. At that point we made the decision to concentrate on showing him to see how far he could go.

Three months, nine shows and several thousand kilometers later, Rolo had accumulated enough points to insure both the Best Siamese Kitten award and a solid regional win. For the final show of the season we decided to relax and have some fun. We entered all three kittens and although two judges preferred Larry, Rolo still did best overall finaling in all eight rings.

It has been said that there is nothing harder to breed than a chocolate point male Siamese. Rolo is one of the best I have seen. He is wonderfully elegant with refined boning, a perfectly straight profile, large flyaway ears and a smooth wedge tapering down to a fine muzzle. His bedroom eyes are deep midnight blue. His crowning glory is his flawless color -- a glistening white body with perfectly matching warm chocolate points.

Rolo would not have been possible without the work of the breeders whose programs produced the many outstanding Siamese behind him. His pedigree reads like a Who's Who of some of the finest chocolate and lilac point Siamese ever bred. Some of the notable regional, national color winning and DM cats in his pedigree include:

      GC, BW, RW Thaifong Spirit Song, DM
      GC Sawasdee Gremlin of Chimcheeree, DM
      GP, RW Rocee's Sabino
      GC CSA's There Stands Jackson, DM
      GC Angkor Rose Shantung of Offshore, DM
      GC, RW Florastarr Carrera of Serendipity
      GC Lorrell's Almond Joy of K-M'Ling, DM
      GC Lilliput Tanqueray
      GC Angkor Rose Choctaw, and
      GC Serendipity's Tan Terrific

Although I have listed only the chocolates and lilacs, there are also many wonderful seals and blues behind Rolo.

He truly was a dream come true and I can never thank Susan enough for allowing me to share in the show and breeding career of this outstanding boy.


Pedigree of
GC, RW Ayuthaya Amoroso of Thaifong
Born August 31, 2001
Parents Grand-Parents Great-Grand-Parents G-Great-Grand-Parents
GC Thaifong If I Can't
Have You ...
Seal Point
GC Rocee's Stiletto of Thaifong
Seal Point
GP, RW Rocee's Sabino
Chocolate Point
CH CSA's Tadley of Rocee
GC Rocee's Avra, DM
GC Rocee's Marana
Seal Point
Trebar's Sydney Dundee of Rocee
GC Rocee's Rietta, DM
GC, BW, RW Thaifong Spirit Song, DM
Lilac Point
CH Samcari Spirit Dancer of Thaifong
Chocolate Point
CH Begbie's Mister Magoo
CH Samcari's Oh Vannah, DM
GC Thaifong's Djamoca
Chocolate Point
CH Gicomel Tan-Django of Thaifong
GC Bojen Mocarra of Thaifong

CH Angkor Rose Pawnee of Ayuthaya
Chocolate Point

CH Angkor Rose Jacquard
Chocolate Point
GC CSA's There Stands Jackson, DM
Chocolate Point0270-605469
CH Sandancer's J.E.B. Stuart of CSA
CH CSA's Elizabeth Anne
GC Offshore Surah
Chocolate Point0271-808298
Tpau Terran of Offshore
GC Angkor Rose Shantung of Offshore, DM
GC Chimcheeree Caramel Kiss
Chocolate Point
GC, RW Sawasdee Gremlin of Sawasdee, DM
Lilac Point0274-767803
CH Angkor Rose Allez Vite
GC Koblizek Powdered Sugar of Sawasdee
Rocee's Maya of Chimcheeree, DM
Seal Point0273-940014
CH CSA's Tadley of Rocee
GC Rocee's Avra, DM

Photos by Chanan


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