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Lilac Point Female Born May 15, 2007
aka "Feist"

Great Lakes Region's 10th Best Kitten 2007-08
CFA's Fourth Best Siamese Kitten 2007-08

Best of the Best Siamese at the National Siamese Cat Club Show October 2007.

Feist was born by c-section after her mother had one large dead kitten blocking the works.

She was the only surviving kitten and was hand raised. I named the plucky little survivor "Feist" but when she grew so exotically beautiful I wanted a more elegant registered name. I chose Azari to continue the oriental rug name theme of her ancestors.

She is pictured at right at 4 days of age.
Feist @ 4 Days
Peanuts and Feist
When she grew older, she was adopted by Peanut, whose own litter of three was two
weeks older. She is picture above (second from left) with her adopted littermates.
Feist with David Mare
Feist was best kitten in judge Davie Mare's final at the
National Siamese Cat Club show in October 2007.

She went on to win Best of the Best Siamese at the show.
At Six Months

Feist is pictured above at the age of six months.

After successful kitten run, she granded in two shows and retired from the show ring.

Pedigree of
GC, RW Thaifong Azari
Born May 15, 2007
Parents Grand-Parents Great-Grand-Parents G-Great-Grand-Parents

Thaifong Piece-of-My-Heart
Lilac Point

GC Thaifong Restless Heart
Lilac Point

GC Alexy's Purrfekt Storm of Thaifong
Blue Point
GC Alexy's Cioccolatino of Fairydust
CH Jim-An-Di Nobody's Purrfekt, DM
GC Thaifong Untamed Heart
Lilac Point
Geishagoll Scimitar of Thaifong
GC Thaifong Straight From
The Heart
GC Kalyna's Twinkle Little Star
Lilac Point

Thaifong Starry, Starry Night
Seal Point
GC Rocee's Stiletto Of Thaifong
GC, BW, RW Thaifong
Spirit Song, DM
GC Dunedin Max's Pride
of Kalyna
Lilac Point
CH Elsk Blue Max of Dunedin
Toi-Tye's Mariko San of Dunedin

GC Thaifong Nain
Lilac Point

Geishagoll Winter Wonderland
Lilac Point

Geishagoll Mehari
Lilac Point
CH Crystabel Daydream
of Geishagoll
Geishagoll After Dark
Geishagoll Winter Wind
Lilac Point
Geishagoll Sierra
CH Geishagoll Return To Sender
GC Thaifong Shirvan of Ayuthaya
Chocolate Point

Geishagoll Scimitar
of Thaifong
Lilac Point
GC Geishagoll Last Chance
of San-Toi
Geishagoll Dominique
GC Thaifong Serabande of Purrmatix
Chocolate Point
Thaifong Broken Arrow
GC Thaifong Shiraz

Music: Building a Mystery by Sarah McLachlan


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Copyright © Thaifong, Virginia Wheeldon.
All photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers.
Site Designed by and Maintained by Virginia Wheeldon
Background Graphic by Invidia